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so i think i realised whats happening for people with no dlls

you need to install .NET 

thats it

or just switch to linux

Deleted 1 year ago

Windows. 7. Is. Not. Supported.

is windows  






just switch to linux

where is math cells

In a beta available on its Discord server

i dont see it

In pinned messages

wow 6 comments by me

then fucking stop

ok i ran into a bug

if mobile trash gets pushed it don't delete the cell pushing

please fix the bug

Mobile Trash kills the cell it is moving into, not the cell moving it

why biomes are undeleteable,go try to make all biomes deleteable

For the same reason placeables aren’t. They’re not cells, they’re backgrounds.

because unstable mover is in quantum

also make unstable puzzle cell both in quantum and puzzle cells

add puzzle biome,puzzle biome stops the cell on it but it makes it controlable

to control cell on puzzle biome:arrow keys


MFPutworkitem2 not found in libary DLL MFPlat.DLL.

It’s Windows 10 or above, why are so many people trying to run it on Windows 7, it’s unsupported for a reason

one of them is trying to run it in 8.1 (me)

just switch to linux idiot

add more puzzles,i had hands on!

For some reason, Windows doesn't run.

ok then switch to linux, it's that easy

i got windows 11 now and it works- dont mind me!!

add math cells please


They’re in a beta for an up-coming update


rename the puzzle cell to the puzzle cell+

Why, it’s The Puzzle Cell, the original one, why would I add a +?

you really are dumb, aren't you?

It doesn't have math cells


It isint a math cell machine remake.

They’re in a beta

sent me the beta pls

in mac when i open it it says:

That is very scary to me the finder application is staring at you

Weird, that issue hasn’t been reported before

switch to linux

add music.





There are 3 background themes

windows no work

ok switch to linux then

(1 edit)


lount alexandru trying to defeat the missing dll people

how did you post that gif here?

please tell me

(1 edit)

Half of them are people trying the game on an unsupported OS

Guys, there’s a reason it’s unsupported!

i don't see why they don't just switch to linux

ERROR: The procedure entry point MFPutWorkItem2 was not found in the DLL MFPlat.DLL

(1 edit)

OK I legit have no idea how the crap that happened

I have no idea how to fix that error

ayo i have a news to tell ya about puzzle cell for me heres da news: H E L P M E

Windows 7 and Windows 8 aren’t supported. The game is fir Windows 10 or above.

oh cool i have windows 11 now :D

switch to linux 🔫



switch to linux


VCRUNTIME140.dll is missing

Weird Next update should fix that

ok switch to linux!

no im still gonna be a windows user


Android version please


Aw come on

how fullscreen

(1 edit)

There is literally a setting for it

In the settings page, there is the Fullscreen setting. Click on the toggle next to it and the game will go in fullscreen mode.

I tried but it didn't work ):

(censures might be useless)

Do you have to restart the game or something?

Restarting shouldn’t be necessary

I don’t know why it doesn’t work for you

Try it anyway.

when i updated the game all the music went


uh… what? Did you make sure your music volume slider wasn’t… 0?

it wasnt

the fire pattern video was cool


(1 edit)

add the missing dlls


new version should have them

I added all of the reported ones

Also, please note: If you’re running Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 8.1, then you’re likely to encounter these issues to the game also needing some dependencies found in Windows 10 and Windows 11.

i played the game on a windows 8.1

me: *on windows 8.1*

me: *sees the cannot run on windows versions reply*

me: DAMN IT!

switch to linux


i cant cuz MSVCP140.dll is not found

it appears 4 times

Oh… sorry, next update will have that DLL








OR ELSE.........

(1 edit)

You're getting on my nerves.


i played



No Bueno™

switch to linux bro


is missing

Dammit, knew I forgot something…

ok then switch to linux

where can i find the discord invit

(1 edit)


my Discord user is same as my user see you soon

Cell suggestions:

Fixed rotator: redirector but on all sides (seriously add this)

Mover trash: trash cell but mover (eats anything it comes in contact with)

wrong place to suggest moment


where suggest

access denied



but why............................................................

thats weird

how about making a improved version a the puzzle cell?

that’s called an update

switch to linux, that should fix your issue

it just deletes itself

SHI-                                      t

switch to linux, it should all work then

To everyone having issues with missing DLLs: Please say the names of the missing DLLs so I can actually add them

yo my dll file missing is api-ms-win-core-libaryloader-l1-2-1.dll

also heres the picture to confirm that its not available (FOUND ON WIN 8.1)

just tell them to switch to linux


(3 edits)

I cant play because there are missing dlls.

Which DLLs are missing?

Can I get the names of said DLLs so I can actually add them?

sorry for the long wait ive been busy anyway the dlls are MSVCP140.dll,VCRUNTIME140_1.dll and VCRUNTIME140.dll

switch to linux then

is there a 32 bit?

No, 32-bit is not supported

Nevermind, i found out im 64-bit, but upon starting up the app, i get 00000x7b (application didn't start correctly). i also have the dlls. what's going on?

switching to linux should help with that issue

seems cool

it is

now i know

but it has missing dlls, which is annoying

if you switch to linux, this issue should dissapear




2D Cell Machine with Multiplayer Time Travel

2d game about moving squared with time travel, multiplater, worlds AND WHAT IS THI

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